Writing on entrepreneurship, product, growth, finance and productivity.

All of my long-form thoughts on building and growing products with a flavor of financial knowledge drop now and then.

Weekly Snapshot: Eye on the Prize

In ancient times, sailors and travelers used the North Star as a fixed point to determine direction. Unlike other stars that appear to move across the night sky, Polaris (North Star) remains almost stationary, always indicating north. Sailors who followed the North Star religiously often found their way back - those who failed frequently found themselves lost. I believe having a north star in life is critical. It prevents us from getting lost. One might argue that it is better to go with the f

Weekly Snapshot: Build Character

Merriam-Webster defines character as "the complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person...”  It encompasses values, principles, and behaviors that shape our identity and guide our actions. As kids, we learn attributes that help us build our character - integrity, honesty, responsibility, consistency, empathy, self-discipline, and courage. The elders evaluated us on the strengths of our character.  The notion of character disappears from the evaluation criteria

Weekly Snapshot: Deep Thinking

Life is a web of complex decisions. We make decisions after thinking - how much is what I want to focus on. I’ve been observing that people have forgotten the art of deep thinking. Back in the days before social media, people sat and spent time in deep consideration. It was a time without any distractions, and one could sit under a lamp for a long time, indulging in their thoughts. There was something magical about it. The result of deep thinking brought marvels, breakthroughs, and humanity-def

Weekly Snapshot: Insecurities

Insecurities: we all have them. It’s a reality unlike any other.  I used to think I was prone to insecurities, but recently, I’ve been observing several actions that have compelled me to accept the opposite as true. I thought hard about the origin of my insecurities, and after giving it a thought, I traced the roots back to my formative childhood and adulthood events - be they familial or social.  I guess insecurities are a result of longing. Something that you wanted but haven’t quite achieve

Weekly Snapshot: Surviving Among Chaos

There are certain times in life when things start to get out of control. It mainly happens after taking on more than you can chew comfortably. Despite running away from such situations, one frequently dwells in the territory of over-indulging. As humans, I think we are attracted to the idea of excess. Maybe it is the consequence of trying to climb the ladder in our world - a wild and unforgiving world that eats you up if you fail to keep up with the pace of the top performers. You are left with

Weekly Snapshot: Valuable Conversations

Words are impactful. The words we speak or hear - alter our minds and affect how we perceive the outside world. Words have power. So much so that in history, words have shaped the course of humanity. From Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech to the nationalist propaganda by governments to the brainwashing of kids by extremists. All use words that raise emotions and alter our behaviors. I've had deep and meaningful conversations with people I respect in the last few weeks. Each conversatio

Weekly Snapshot: Diamonds in the Rough

Diamonds have an inspiring origin story. After enduring billions of years of intense heat and pressure, diamonds embody the remarkable resilience needed to transform adversity into value. When we first mine a diamond, it appears as a rough, uncut stone that does not yet exhibit the sparkle and beauty it is known for. Polishing and refining it reveals its true beauty and value. I find humans to be similar. We have the potential and characteristics to become a diamond if we are harnessed and dev

Weekly Snapshot: Perspective vs. Perception

Reality is subjective. Every person has a story that shapes their reality. And the problem with stories is that they’re usually not entirely true. Our memories play a trick on us, and as memories become distant, we fluff them up a bit, chipping away the layer of authenticity from the actual events. An example is a recollection of the same event differently by two people. If two people experienced the same event together, how can they remember it differently? It is where perception takes center

Weekly Snapshot: Nothing Will Go In Vain

Imagine working towards an important milestone in life-giving your heart and soul only to end up short of victory. Imagine working towards a promotion only to be passed over by a colleague. Imagine building a friendship over a decade, only to discover the cracks. Imagine breaking into your dream career, only to face disappointing results. The feeling is cutting and internally demotivating. We have all been in situations where we feel helpless and hopeless. Fresh start stings and the thought of

Weekly Snapshot: Gratitude

We experience a feeling of relief when we start becoming more thankful for everything we have in life, and must I add, everything we don’t have in life. In the past couple of weeks, I have had a few critical realizations that resulted in structural changes to my internal dialogue, one of which was to be more grateful for everything in life. For example, if I gain or win, I’ll be thankful, and if I lose or go through a rough path, I will still be grateful because, ultimately, I will learn a val

Weekly Snapshot: Wave of Good & Bad Days

I remember back in college, I realized a truth about life. As I am into mathematics (objectively and romantically), I try to explain the world around me from a mathematics perspective. It just makes things easier. So, I realized that life functioned like a sine wave. If you do not know what a sine wave is, let me explain: imagine a sinewave like the waves you see when you throw a pebble into a pond. The waves go up and down, up and down, in a smooth and regular pattern. Like the waves, a sinew

Weekly Snapshot: Momentum

Momentum is the unsung hero of our lives.  Not many people understand the role momentum plays in our lives. Here’s a scenario: you start going to the gym. It’s been three weeks, and the effort required to go to the gym has significantly reduced. Suddenly, something happens, and you miss the gym for five days. It feels like a struggle when you try to resume your routine and get back to the gym. Relatable? I call this the loss of momentum.  As I have observed: Energy Required to Stop & Contin

Weekly Snapshot: Conviction

This week, I witnessed a miracle. A couple of days ago, I formed an opinion that Pakistanis have lost faith in democracy and believe that exercising their vote is a worthless act. I also thought that the powerful establishment managed to contain the threat posed by Khan and would be able to keep the public in check. Boy, I was wrong. On election day, Pakistanis came out and voted like never before! Young, old, women, men, retired officers - everyone participated and voted, especially for Khan

Weekly Snapshot: Half-Truth.

Life can get complicated at times. Some situations require careful navigation and a controlled flow of information. To explain the complexity of these situations to the world, we often come up with explanations - acceptable by all yet not entirely representative of the truth. The consequences of these explanations are often harmless, yet they conceal our inner turmoil and “actual” decision-making rationale from the world. Like a father concealing a low-end job. Like a sudden change of heart. Li

Weekly Snapshot: Long Term Thinking

We live in a world of instant gratification. Whatever we want, we want it now. It’s a mantra of our fast-paced world, surrounded by people who believe more in jackpots and overnight successes.  Billion dollars? Now, please!  Promotion? Now, please!  Dream job? Now, please! Fit? Now, please! The negative consequence of living in an instant-gratification world is the inability to plan for the long run and optimize life for longevity. Sadly, the majority falls into this unfortunate bucket. I

Weekly Snapshot: Doing Hard Things

There’s a special attraction to working on hard problems. Humans need inspirational goals that are hard to achieve and that push the limits of their potential. It reminds me of John F Kennedy’s speech that changed the fate of humanity. Here’s a snippet: We choose to go to the Moon. We choose to go to the Moon... We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best o

Weekly Snapshot: Flying Through Uncertainty

Thinking about the future is nothing short of a nervous activity: necessary to solidify focus and decide pathways, but built on conjectures and ambiguity. As you age, your role in life becomes impactful. The burden on your shoulders increases, and every decision carries significance. It calls for being responsible and disciplined as the time you have left on this earth is limited and using your time wisely is the only option for a well-lived life. Being transparent, I feel the pressure of incr

Weekly Snapshot: Blurred Lines

Frequently in life, we are faced with pivotal choices - choices that have the power to alter our future state with a high probability. Many of these decisions fall in the grey area - they’re ethically questionable. I used to believe that ethics are universal, but observationally speaking, in practice, ethics are more personal than universal. Each person has a different understanding of the moral and ethical, which is usually derived or anchored from the underlying system.  For example, a govern

Annual Letter 2023: Transition & Growth.

Dear Friends, Happy New Year. As we conclude 2023, I wanted to pen my end-of-year thoughts and share them with you all. As we mature and embrace responsibilities, our understanding of life deepens, and our decision-making process evolves, encompassing a broader scope of considerations. This evolution in our choices significantly influences not only our lives but also the lives of those around us. At the beginning of the year, I decided to return to the world of startups and join a fast-paced

Weekly Snapshot: Endings

Hi Friends, The endings are interesting - significant, nostalgic, motivating, and change-inducing. When something nears its end - a year, a relationship, or life - it triggers a few involuntary actions. We automatically find ourselves reflecting on the time passed. We try to draw lessons and define our next steps. More importantly, we go through a back-and-forth between fear and excitement. It can be tricky to differentiate between the two, but it is an emotional roller coaster. The endings si

Weekly Snapshot: Health

Hi Friends, It was a poor health week. I suffer from cluster headaches, which I experience every year for about 20 days. I am unable to do anything, and my entire life revolves around my headache and eventual recovery. It is both emotionally and physically challenging and draining. After the headache ends each day, one goes through something I call headache fatigue, which is a couple of hours where energy levels reach near zero, and drowsiness takes over. In these hours, you only think about d

Weekly Snapshot: Root in Integrity

Hi Friends, Life with strong principles is a life worth living. Integrity is a core pillar of a good life, but we are so focused on profits and loss that we don’t talk much about it. Instead, we forge narratives to signal honesty, but deep down, we lack the true essence of an honest life. Heck, we are often not even honest with ourselves. I never thought much about integrity, but as I have transacted with many different people over the past couple of years, I have realized that integrity is th

Weekly Snapshot: Valuable Conversations.

Hi Friends, As I’m aging, I’m getting repelled by the idea of discussing personal matters or discussing trivial topics. In such conversations, I feel I’m not learning anything new or valuable. Some might argue that talking about trivial things is refreshing and even teaches you something in their way. I disagree. On the contrary, I’m getting attracted to conversations about how the world works, about some scientific discoveries, or about how to build a successful business. And interestingly, i

Weekly Snapshot: Untamed Ambition.

Hi Friends, As we grow older, our life demands sacrifices and realignment of priorities. We become okay with settling down and entertaining once unacceptable concessions. Honestly speaking, it’s okay. But I strongly believe that while it’s okay to settle from a familial point of view, it’s not okay to settle down from a personal development and career point of view. It’s unacceptable for someone to tell you that you can’t afford that pricey Range Rover or that fancy beach house or you can’t bu

Weekly Snapshot: Start Small.

Hi Friends, Starting is the hardest part of anything. It might be going to the gym, eating healthy, applying for that job we always wanted, building our own company, or deciding what new product to sell. We often procrastinate and wait for the perfect moment. Our head keeps playing our big vision that, in reality, is many years into the future. We get restless and dive into the deepest part of the water - only to drown. I’ve learned that starting big isn’t the correct way forward. The opposite

Winning the Resume Game: How to Get Noticed and Land Your Dream Job!

A recent study by Glassdoor indicated that 98 percent of applicants are rejected based on their resumes alone. It’s unfair, but it is how it is. So, how do you stand out from a list of 200 resumes fighting for the recruiter's attention? That is why I’m writing this article. The art of building a resume has evolved over the years. A decade ago, a simple resume covering the basics about your job worked, but not anymore. Recruiters get a massive influx of resumes and have seconds to decide wheth

Weekly Snapshot: Choice.

Hi Friends, Choice is a powerful word that encapsulates everything that makes us humans. Choice led to Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the heavens. Choice allowed Martin Luther King to fight for Black rights in the US. Choice pulled Mother Teresa into a life of servitude. Choice is powerful because it frees us to decide the best path forward. In every circumstance, we have a choice to make. For example, in our everyday lives, we consciously choose to eat healthy, exercise, or spend time with lov

Weekly Snapshot: Sense & Responsibility.

Hi Friends, Self-awareness is a critical component of maturing. As we age, our role in society grows, and instead of less, we are required to do more. Our filial duties, marital duties, work obligations, and self-fulfillment - all take center stage, and we are required to optimize our lives to fulfill each of our duties, aka obligations. I refrain from tagging them as expectations because the word lacks soul. Duty and obligation represent our true situation in a holistic and soulful way. The f

How to prepare for behavioral job interviews | Interview Prep Series

Securing an interview at a prestigious consulting firm or a top tech company is an exciting step forward. Yet, the thought of a behavioral interview often brings a mix of nerves and uncertainty. How do you stand out when you’re up against the best of the best? This article lays the foundation of our job interview preparation series. It’s designed to give students and young professionals a clear and detailed plan to confidently navigate the often-intimidating behavioral interview. With this gui

Weekly Snapshot: Everything is Sales.

Hi Friends, Everything is sales. Nothing is truer. When you’re starting a new business, you need customers, and you need to convince customers to buy your product. It’s sales. If you’re applying for a new job, you have to showcase your skills and prove you’re the right person for the job. It’s sales. If you want to convince your partner to go on a trip together, it’s sales. If you’re convincing a group of people of your new ideology, it’s sales. We, as humans, are in the state of selling all

Everything you need to know about IELTS Speaking Section

Welcome to part two of our ongoing series on how to ace the IELTS exam. Here’s where we’re at: * Part 1: Acing the Reading Section * Part 2: Acing the Writing Section * Part 3: Acing the Listening Section * Part 4: Acing the Speaking Section (This Post) I got a 9 on Speaking section of the IELTS.  My secret sauce: environment that encourages english speaking. In this post, I will share everything you need to know about the IELTS Speaking Section so you can truly ace it. Let's get starte

Weekly Snapshot: The Sweetness of Doing Nothing

Hi Friends. Italians have a saying, La Dolce Far Niente, that translates to the sweetness of doing nothing. In today’s world, we have become so busy and stressed that we have forgotten to pause for a second and empty our minds.  Honestly, I don't think it is our fault. The rat race has gotten tougher. Every one of us is out there to prove ourselves, to build a better life, and to win. It is great until it isn’t. The “isn't” part is burnout, where our body lacks the physical and mental will to

Everything you need to know the IELTS Listening Section

Welcome to part two of our ongoing series on how to ace the IELTS exam. Here’s where we’re at: * Part 1: Acing the Reading Section * Part 2: Acing the Writing Section * Part 3: Acing the Listening Section (This Post) * Part 4: Acing the Speaking Section I got an 8 on Listening section of the IELTS.  We’re naturally better at listening because we are more exposed to it but effective listening can be difficult when you only get one chance to listen and then answer a bunch of questions. Ther

Weekly Snapshot: Value of Human Life & Gratitude.

Hi Friends. I’m upset with the recent events in Israel and Palestine. With precious life lost on both sides, it’s sad to imagine the pain and the loss. As a victim of a terrorist attack when I was 16, I can first-hand share how pathetic and vulnerable you feel when you witness death, blood spilled savagely, and experience violence. It changes you and stays with you for the rest of your life. I can only imagine how hard it must be for the Palestinians - especially the children - to go through t

Weekly Snapshot: Loss. Recovery. Expectations.

From realizing loss to demonstrating commitment, this week had it all. Here’s my weekly snapshot where I share my thoughts on the week and top highlights.

Weekly Snapshot: Consistency, Uncertainty, and the Long Haul.

Hi friends! Slow and steady win the race. I firmly believe in being steady because consistency leads us to victory. However, it’s easier said than done because it is difficult to think about the long haul when life is highly uncertain. I can attest to this sentiment because many of my life-altering short-term decisions were reactions to black swan events, uncertainties, and my internal fears.  These instances are rare but very effective in influencing my decision-making to the extent that

Weekly Snapshot: Moving on.

In life, we tend to hold onto memories and relationships, but true liberation comes from recognizing what's draining us and having the courage to let go. It's not easy, but it's vital for our growth | Raheel Ahmad | On My Mind

How I Landed Two Job Offers Without Applying

Everyone wants to land their dream job but when you have 100s of others applying for the same job, how do you stand out? I’ll share how.

Rock Climbing. 60 Minutes. 3 Life Lessons.

Life lessons can come from anywhere. In this article, I share how the act of climbing rocks enabled me to understand the processes of life.

Prioritization Framework: Find what deserves your focus.

As a naturally curious person, I often find myself juggling multiple different goals but I know I have to prioritize. So I built a framework that helps me identify the most important goal that deserves my attention.