Weekly Snapshot: Conviction

<span style="white-space: pre-wrap;">Photo by </span><a href="https://unsplash.com/@spencerbergen?utm_source=ghost&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=api-credit"><span style="white-space: pre-wrap;">Spencer Bergen</span></a><span style="white-space: pre-wrap;"> / </span><a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=ghost&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=api-credit"><span style="white-space: pre-wrap;">Unsplash</span></a>

This week, I witnessed a miracle.

A couple of days ago, I formed an opinion that Pakistanis have lost faith in democracy and believe that exercising their vote is a worthless act. I also thought that the powerful establishment managed to contain the threat posed by Khan and would be able to keep the public in check.

Boy, I was wrong.

On election day, Pakistanis came out and voted like never before! Young, old, women, men, retired officers - everyone participated and voted, especially for Khan’s party. Every move by the military, civil servants, and judiciary to keep Khan out of politics backfired. Pakistanis showed that they are anti-establishment and stand with Khan.

It made me think about jailed Imran Khan. Despite all the hurdles before the elections, he showed unwavering confidence in his ability to win. He was sure that people would come out and vote for him - and people did not disappoint. Khan’s foresight and belief in his cause and his people made me think about his level of conviction! It is marvelous. Despite all the hardships, the brink of wipeout, and the powerful establishment, he remained steadfast and had the last laugh.

It made me realize something critical. All the successful people in the world - entrepreneurs, athletes, musicians - have an unwavering belief in their ability to win! Regardless of their circumstances, they do not, for a single second, think that they will lose. However much time it may take, they will achieve their objective.

I have taken the lesson to heart. In all my pursuits, I enter the ring believing that my victory is inevitable. It has only been two days since I adopted the mindset shift, but I already feel absolved of doubts and fears. I am feeling more focused and determined. It is exhilarating.

If this is how Khan has felt his entire life, then I know the outcome. Deep down, I believe we all do.

💪 Wins of the week

  1. Wrapped up quite a lot of pending tasks at work (although one remains but, still I’ll take a win).
  2. Completed the intial 3D design of a battery powered energy storage system - looks sleek!
  3. I experience personal growth.

🧐 Challenges & Learnings

  1. We were not able to complete the last 5% on a personal AI project. It has been quite challenging. I don’t have a solid learning here but sometimes, when we go for perfection, we miss out on deadlines.
  2. If we spend a lot of time with someone, they become normal for us. We don’t see what makes them special anymore. It’s always good to remember the initial attraction and remind yourself of what makes the other person special. Makes you value people even more.
  3. Consistently sitting down and getting shit done have been tough. I do feel distracted but it’s more about my unwillingness to deliver. In times like these, pushing yourself to deliver is critical.

🎯 Goals for Next Week

  1. Complete the initial pitch deck for energy storage manufacturing - it’s challenging.
  2. Wrap up the last 5% of work on an AI project I have been building.
  3. Ensure we are on track for release at work.
  4. Stay focused and grateful.

📖 My Readings

I have started reading the book on Elon Musk. Quite a fascinating childhood.

🎬 My YouTube Video

Here’s how you can master the perfect prompt with ChatGPT - like a pro!

✍️ Quote of the Week

“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”

- Saint Augestine